Real Talk w/Terry

Netflix & Chill

I recently had the privilege of sitting on a relationship panel and an interesting topic came up, “Netflix and chill”. I must admit, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what this means, however, I was surprised or taken back at how common-place the phenomenon is in the world of dating. As I listened to the dialogue, I was thinking, “I know I’ve been out of the dating world for a while now, but this is borderline ridiculous.”

couple-watching-televisionMy comment was something like this, “is this what the dating world has been reduced to? … Netflix and chill.” Don’t get me wrong, I understand that there are college students who have limited funds and perhaps cannot afford a date; or those who are on limited funds for one reason or another, but Netflix and chill is modern-day language for what we used to call a “booty-call”, which meant when you got a call in the middle of the night to visit someone’s house, you knew what was up.

This being said, my interpretation of Netflix and chill is just that, a modern-day booty call or has dating been reduced to this? Comments welcome.

A Divine Union in the Making

Inspired By Joyce M. Jones


“Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.” Ecclesiastes 4:9

It’s been nearly twenty-seven years ago – we enjoyed each other’s company enough for me to ask him to escort me to my ten-year high school reunion. At our church, he had become quite the reliable photographer. Willingly accepting the task of escort/picture taker, he escorted me to the reunion with his camera secured around his neck. We took the commemorative photograph together. The reunion photographer insisted that we stand close to each other. That’s the first time we embraced, though mechanical, it seemed very natural. I didn’t see him for most of the evening, I mingled with classmates while he took pictures. A few days after the reunion, he presented me with a photo album of nearly 100 pictures. I saw people in the photos that I didn’t recall seeing face- to-face. How thoughtful! couple 15

Of course I’m talking about my, now, husband of twenty-five years. The foundation of a good marriage is laid long before you say “I do”. It begins with a commitment to God; we were committed to God as individuals, growing and maturing in Him; brother and sister in the Lord, fellowshipping. We enjoyed each other’s company and started building a friendship by sharing our everyday experiences, and getting to know one another. I am so thankful for all that happened to bring us together in a divine union.

Prayer:  Thank you Lord for the gift of love, the gift of friendship, and the blessing of our marriage. We give you praise for the joy and the love you have poured into our hearts.
Meditative Reading:  Galatians 5:22-23